Helping Your Child Find Organization In An ADHD World


Organization isn’t easy for any child, but for children with ADHD, organizing, time management and prioritizing can be extremely difficult. There are several things that you can do to help your child with ADHD develop successful organizational skills. Here are 5 tips to help you coach your child through the process of getting organized:

1. Make a master calendar:

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A calendar is a multi-sensory tool to use to teach your child organizational skills because it can serve as a visual reminder of planned activities as well as an auditory reinforcement to boost retention of upcoming events. Calendars are a great way to also teach time management and accountability skills because the child will see when assignments are due and how much time they should spend on homework.

2. Make a place for everything:

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Help your child organize their school supplies and other important items by making a special place for those items. Enforce this by making a routine to replace those items to their compartments after your child is finished using them.

3. Have a weekly clean out:

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After a long week at school, your child’s book bag can begin to look like a mess. Check your child’s belongings weekly to ensure their backpack, assignment folders and binders are in order.

4. Enforce the concept of time:


Understanding the concept of time is important for children with ADHD because it teaches them how to keep on task and stay organized. Use transitional words such as first, then, next etc. to help with creating routines. 

5. Emphasize success and achievement:


Praise your child for their hard work and encourage them to continue to progress. Positive encouragement can help make organization less stressful.

Get started today! Use these tips to make a routine that will help your child develop strong organizational skills in and outside the classroom.

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