6 Tips for Productive Studying with ADHD

Doing homework and studying with ADHD can be more manageable when your child embraces techniques that help him to keep his mind focused on the task at hand. Traditional study methods of long study streaks and sitting at desks can make your child more distracted and less productive. That leaves no one happy and everyone frustrated. Here are some of our tips to make homework easier:

1. Move around
Having your child walk around while studying can help him to focus better.

2. Speak out-loud
When your child studies aloud, then her mind is more actively engaging with the material (which means that it is harder for her mind to wander from what she is studying.)

3. Fidget
It is hard for students with ADHD to concentrate for long periods without moving around during school. “Fidget tools” can help students fiddle with something without distracting the class. Some fidget tools are stress balls made with sand-filled balloons, spinners, bands on the bottom chairs for foot tappers, smooth rocks, or pliable wax. Students can hold these tools at their desks and fiddle with them whenever they want to. Doodling may help, too!

Fidget tools are very helpful when they are being used “in the background”. When it becomes a toy, it’s time to take it away. 

4. Change position
Even while remaining sitting, have your child sit in different positions. Sitting disks or exercise balls allow your child to move around while remaining sitting, but the movements are more natural and less distracting than standing up to readjust.

5. Work in increments
Studying in short bursts can help your child to be more productive at shorter time increments. Use timers to and change subjects or give short breaks.

6. Change subjects frequently
Have your child move on to the next subject as soon as he becomes easily distracted with one subject. This way your child can continue to engage with the schoolwork instead of spending a majority of time being distracted.

While focusing on uninteresting topics can be torture for anyone, embracing ADHD study methods can make homework and studying easier and more enjoyable for all of us who struggle to concentrate.

If you think you or a loved one may have ADHD and would like to be tested, call your local Focus-MD office.

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